Policies and Procedures Skip to main content
Reading Writing Lab

Policies and Procedures


  • REMINDER: The Reading Writing Lab is not an editing service. Our tutors are trained to help you strengthen your reading and writing skills.
  • Appointments are 25 to 45 minutes long.
  • You may schedule two appointments per week. If you need more appointments, you may add your name to the wait list.
  • You may schedule one appointment per day. If you would like more time, you may add your name to the wait list.
  • You must wait at least two hours after working with a tutor before placing your name on the wait list.
  • Appointments may be scheduled up to two weeks in advance. See our available times.
  • Make sure to complete the tutorial slip after your appointment. It is required if you expect to receive class credit for your appointment.

Late or Missed Appointments

  • Please arrive on time for your appointment. If you are ten minutes late, your time may be given to a student on the wait list and you will receive a miss on our records.
  • After three missed appointments, you will not be able to schedule appointments for the remainder of the semester. You may still utilize the wait list.
  • If you feel you have a legitimate reason for missing an appointment, please contact us immediately. Requests to remove a miss from our records will be reviewed by the Assistant Coordinator.

Canceling and Rescheduling Appointments

  • Please call or email the Lab at least one hour before your appointment if you need to cancel or reschedule: byuh_rwc@byuh.edu or (808) 675-3629.
  • Appointments canceled after their start time will be considered missed.

Wait List

  • The wait list is assigned on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Wait list appointments do not count toward the two-per-week limit.
  • You may utilize the wait list when there are no appointments available for the time that you need, or if you've reached your two-per-week limit.
  • Students may only request the next available wait list time.
  • You must wait in the Lab for an appointment opening. If you are not present when your name is called, you will be removed from the wait list.
  • Students must wait at least two hours after working with a tutor before placing their name on the wait list again.

Group Tutoring

  • Group tutorials may have up to three students.
  • All students must be in the same course with the same teacher and working on the same assignment.
  • Group tutorials count toward the two-per-week limit.

Reading Appointments and Labs

  • If you are enrolled in EIL 217 or 219, you may sign up for a weekly reading lab appointment. Your instructor will give you the referral form.
  • Reading lab appointments are held on the same day and time each week with your assigned reading tutor.
  • If you are not enrolled in EIL 217 or 219 and need help with reading strategies, you may ask for an appointment with a reading tutor.
  • Reading appointments and labs don’t count toward the two-per-week limit.
  • A maximum of three people may be in a group reading tutorial.
  • Reading appointments are grouped by your reading level.

English Lab Appointments

  • If you are enrolled in ENGL 101 or 315, you may sign up for a weekly lab appointment. Your instructor will give you the referral form. Please fill out the form and bring it to the Lab in MCK 199, or email it to us at byuh_rwc@byuh.edu.
  • Lab appointments are held on the same day and time every week with your assigned tutor. Lab appointments do not count toward the two-per-week limit.
  • You may only work on assignments for ENGL 101 or 315 during your lab appointment. You may make up to two regular appointments during the week to work on assignments for other classes.
  • If you miss a lab appointment, you must schedule a make-up appointment with your tutor before your next appointment. After two missed appointments, you will be dropped from the lab program.
  • Your teacher will be notified of missed appointments and drops from the program.