A Government Document or Publication
Usually, documents and publications are written by staff, and the author/preparer will not be listed. If this is the case, begin the entry with the name of the government(IE: Country Name if it is a national government document; City Name if it is a local government document), followed by the name of the agency. If the author/preparer is known, list it first if it appears before or more prominently than the government department. If the department name is more prominent, then, after the title of the document, type "By" and the author's name. When citing the US Constitution or US Code, only an in-text citation
City/State/Country. Department. Office. Title of Document. City of Publisher: Publishing Company, year. Print.
Last Name, First Name. Title of Document. Department. City of Publisher: Publishing Company, year. Print.
City/State/Country. Department. Office. Title of Document. By First Name Last Name. City of Publisher: Publishing Company, year. Print.
Salinas. Finance Department. Basic Financial Statements Fiscal Year Ended June 30. 2007. Salinas: Finance Department, 2007. Print.
United States. National Archives and Records Administration. Office of the Federal Register. The 2006-2007 United States Government Manual. Washington D.C.: GPO, 2006. Print.
Government Accountability Office. Federal Energy Management: Addressing Challenges through Better Plans and Clarifying the Greenhouse Gas Emission Measure Will Help Meet Long-term goals for Buildings. Washington: GPO, 2008. Print.
Department of Energy. The Manhattan Project: Making the Atomic Bomb. Oak Ridge, TN: Office of Scientific and Technical Information, 1999. Print.
A Manuscript or Typescript
These are the versions works of authors written before being submitted to a publisher (or those not submitted to publishers at all). Manuscripts are written by hand and typescripts are typed by machine or computer. Not all manuscripts have titles, so describe them as best you can.
Last Name, First Name. Title. Date. MS/TS. Name of Institution, City.
Last Name, First Name. Type of material. Date. MS/TS. Name of Institution, City.
Henry, Charles. Against the Culture of Recklessness. 1684. MS. The Wilhelm Speer Presidential Museum, Leighton. Print.
A Letter or Memo:
Published Letter:
Last Name, First Name. "Title." Date. Letter # of Title of Collection. Ed. First Name Last Name. Vol. #. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Page Number(s). Print.
Smith, Joseph. "Letter to Emma Smith, 27 June 1844." The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith. Comp. and Ed. Dean C. Jessee. Salt Lake: Deseret Book, 1984. 610. Print.
A Letter to You:
Last Name, First Name. Letter to the author. Date. TS.
Steinhilber, Kristine. Letter to author. 16 Dec. 2007. TS.
A Memo:
Last Name, First Name. "Title." Memo to Name of Organization/Recipient. Date. TS.
Mora, Dave. "FY 2004-05/2005-2006 Recommended Budget." Memo to Mayor and City Council. 8 June 2004. TS.
A Cartoon or Comic Strip
If the cartoon does not have a title, provide a brief description. Finish this entry with the appropriate information for the type of source from which it was found (Book, magazine, newspaper, etc).
Last Name, First Name. Cartoon/Comic Strip. "Title." Newspaper Date: page #. Print.
Mallet, Jef. Comic Strip. "Frizz." The Honolulu Advertiser 9 Sept. 2008: E6. Print.
Luckovich. Cartoon. "Barack Obama, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King." Newsweek 29 Aug. 2008: 23. Print.
A Published Musical Composition:
A published score or libretto may be treated like a book. Begin with the composer's name (the author) and then follow with the italicized title. Next comes the date, the place, the publisher, and the medium.
Last Name, First Name of Composer. Title. Date of Composition. City: Publisher, Year. Print. (Series, if applicable.)
Puccini, Giacomo. La Boheme. 1920. New York: Dover, 1987. Print.
Beethoven, Ludwig van. Symphony No. 5 in C minor Op. 67. N.d. New York: Kalmus, n. d. New York: Kalmus, n.d. Print. Complete Edition of All His Works. 32 vols.