MLA Citation: Non Print Sources Skip to main content
Reading Writing Lab

MLA Citation: Non Print Sources


A Painting, Sculpture, or Photograph

Last Name, First Name of Artist. Title. Year. Name of Institution/Owner, City.

Description of the Subject of the Photo. Personal photograph by author (or First Name Last Name). Date.

Quarton, Enguerrand. The Pieta of Wiolleneuve-les-Avignon. c. 1455. The Musee du Louvre, Paris.

Wyland. Three in the Sea. 2002. Renaissance Ilikai Hotel, Honolulu.

The Proposal. Personal photograph by Leckie Gunter. 24 Aug. 2008.


A Photograph of a Painting or Sculpture in a Book

Last Name, First Name of Artist. Title of Piece. Name of Institution/Owner. Title of Book. By First Name Last Name. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Page. Print.

Moronobu, Hishikawa. The Kabuki. National Museum Tokyo. National Museum Tokyo. n.p.: Newsweek, 1968. 136. Print.

Vouet, Simon. Time Defeated by Hope, Love, and Beauty. 1627. The Prado Museum. The Prado Museum. Barcelona: Ediciones Poligrafa, 2002. 368. Print.

Wyland. First Breath. Wyland: Artist of the Sea. China: Wyland, 2002. 79. Print.

A Map or Chart

Title. Map. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Print.

Title. Chart. City of Publisher: Publisher, Year. Print.

Hungary. Map. Budapest: GiziMaps, 1991.

Rachmaninovian Demographics: 1991-2001. Chart. Leighton: Cowit, 2004.

A Lecture, Speech, Address, or Reading

If the presentation does not have a title, then give a description of the presentation (Address, Lecture, Keynote speech, Reading, etc), but do not use quotation marks.

Last Name, First Name. "Title of Lecture, Speech, etc." Title of Meeting. Sponsoring Organization. Location, City. Date. Descriptive Label.

Hinckley, Gordon B. "The Need for Greater Kindness." 176th Annual General Conference. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Conference Center, Salt Lake. 1 Apr. 2006. Address.

Wheelwright, Steven. Inauguration Response. Inauguration Ceremony. Brigham Young University-Hawaii, Laie. 6 Nov. 2007. Address.

An Interview Published or on the TV, Radio, etc.

Finish this entry with the appropriate information for the type of source from which it was found (Book, magazine, newspaper, etc).

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. First Name Last Name of Interviewer (optional). "Title of Interview" or Interview. Title of Source Date: Pages. Medium.

McCain, John. Jon Meacham. "A Son's Measure of His Father." Newsweek 29 Aug. 2008: 46-7. Print.

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud. Scott Pelley. Interview. 60 Minutes. 23 Sept. 2007. CBS Interactive. Web. 6 Oct. 2008.

A Personal Interview

As part of this citation, state how the interview was administered.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Personal Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Telephone Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. E-Mail Interview. Date.

Last Name, First Name of Person Interviewed. Instant Messenger Interview. Date.

Liau, Barbara. Personal Interview. 3 Nov. 2008.

Gunter, Leckie. Instant Messenger Interview. 8 Jan 2008.

Purevsuren, Erdenebileg. Telephone Interview. 1 Sept. 2007.