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Reading Writing Lab

The Reading Writing Lab is a free resource for students, staff, and faculty. We foster a friendly, collaborative environment where students from around the world can develop skills and confidence in English reading and writing. We offer several services, including one-on-one and group tutorials, workshops, in-class workshops, citation assistance, and so on. We have a small library of fiction and EIL related books that university members are welcome to utilize as well as a computer lab and printer. The Lab is located in MCK 199.

Reading Writing Lab Updates

The Reading Writing Lab is offering in-person tutoring in MCK 199. The Reading Writing Lab will operate during the following hours:

  • Monday - Thursday: 9 am-11 pm
  • Friday: 9 am-9 pm
  • Saturdays: 9 am-1 pm
  • Closed Tuesdays from 11 am-12 pm for devotional and Wednesdays from 5 pm-6 pm for staff meetings

To request an appointment, call (808) 675-3629 or send an email to with the following information:

  1. First and last name.
  2. Student ID number.
  3. Class name and number (example: ENGL 101).
  4. Day and time you would like to schedule an appointment (check the link below for available times).
  5. Let us know if you'd like a 25-minute or 45-minute appointment.

Check available appointment times.

Schedule A Tutor Session

Male student and female student talking and sitting in the Reading Writing Lab

The Reading Writing Lab offers reading and writing tutorials to assist students in their academic work. To make an appointment, students may call (808) 675-3629, email us at, or come in to the Lab and speak to the desk tutor. Appointment length may vary depending on the needs of the student, ranging from 25 to 45 minutes. Students may bring paper or digital copies of their assignments. Tutors are equipped to help students in several types of writing for different classes. This includes, but is not limited to, English, EIL, business management, political science, and more. Our tutors major in a variety of subjects which gives them a wide range of writing and reading experience.

Call us to make an appointment: (808) 675-3629

Writers' Resources

Male and female student reading a workbook in front of a shelf of books

We offer many types of resources in our lab and on our website. Feel free to browse through our online resources. These resources include handouts on structure, organization, thesis statements, reading strategies, grammar, citation, resumes, etc. A great resource are the Microlabs that students can enroll in through Canvas and improve their grammatical skills. The resources in our lab consist of our tutors, reference books, computers, helpful handouts, library books, etc. We also offer workshops hosted by our tutors. These workshops cover topics such as grammar, essay structure, reading strategies, and research.